Monday, October 8, 2007

Speaking out of line?

I may be speaking out of line at this time, my intent for this post is to present another idea that came to me when reading some of the discussion. Now please remember this is a message I hear, I do not expect anyone else to hear it…

Genesis 12:1 “The LORD said to Abram: "Go forth from the land of your kinsfolk and from your father's house to a land that I will show you…”

I hear him calling me to a life that requires me to give up all. I feel he will lead me to the place I am to be, he will provide for me when I get there, and if I have to leave. I am not sure if I want to ask too many questions before I go. I know at this point I am trying to get relationships and finances in order for this. That is all I know.


Anonymous said...

I too feel called to more than what I am doing. I think we (this group)all do. I should remember that. I should also remember that this group of people, possibly above any other, has my best interests at heart. I am excitable and prone to take things to their extreme even in the earliest stages. It is a very bad quality.

John, you are right, by the way. This is a place for discussion. I hope I have not silenced it.

Dusty M Brahlek said...


I too tend to get extreme... in everything I do.

G-man said...

As a blogging retard I must ask, how do you get invited to blog on this Chapter Room? Help!

John R.P. Russell said...


I await your email address from Dave. Upon receipt, I will invite you into fold.