Sunday, September 30, 2007


It would be possible to exist in a community without any independent source of income, because some of the members could go to work as usual. But some sort of business would be fitting, just as monasteries maintain themselves through their own labor, whether by harvesting agricultural products like honey or eggs, brewing beer, or any of a number of other businesses.

It seems to me that a good way for us to make a living would be to run a school. Many of the people who I can think of who would be interested in our project are learned in one academic discipline or another, and I think we could very easily provide a high level of instruction for motivated high school students. The school could be attractive for many parents because it would be religiously orthodox and the teachers would come from very strong academic backgrounds. We could easily provide a firm classical education, including classical language and literature, art, music, and mathematics, as well as subjects such as history and theology. We might be a little weak in the sciences, but I think we could work on that.


Dusty M Brahlek said...

This would take a GREAT deal of working with the bishop and the local educational community. I think it would be possible especally if we were albe to set-up our own church with our own priest (yes we need to get one of those as well).

John R.P. Russell said...

The educational system as we know it has its origins in the monasteries. It has often been in this way that monasteries support themselves.

In most parochial situations, a school is a financial drain, rather than a source of income. However, if a school provides an impressive faculty as you describe it could become profitable. Tuition would have to be astronomical. Our own children could attend for free, of course.

If the school were popular enough, it could create the problem of parents joining the community just to send their children to the school without having to shell out all that dough. Though perhaps community life is sufficiently ascetic as to be undesirable to such opportunists.

Dusty M Brahlek said...

I don't think it would be THAT desirable to become a member of the community just to go to school for free. Though there was a guy in the news that was going to have his child become Catholic, or he was going to convert just so she could continue to go to Catholic schools...

Anonymous said...

Since the teachers would all be a part of the community, we wouldn't have to pay much money in salaries. The amount we would need to bring in for a fairly comfortable lifestyle would be far less than what an average teacher needs, because we would not need to buy cars and many other wasteful things that come from living alone.

Dusty M Brahlek said...

Accounting for this would be difficult considering the salaries would be going straight back to the community. I am guessing we would have a sparate account for the School and one for the community "business".